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Brom-L Bromeliad Taxonomists and Growers Society
The Brom-L Society is open for anybody interested in Bromeliads and without any costs!
Brom-L pages (features)
- Brom-L Discussion List (eMail Archives)
- Brom-L FloraPix Picture Gallery (including Casus Pro Diagnosi)
- Seed Exchange for Brom-L & BCG
- The new Bromeliad Taxon list
- Bromeliad putative Natural Hybrid list
- A Identification Key to Tillandsia and look alikes (Butcher)
- Draft of a Identification Keys to Bromeliaceae
- Encyclopaedia of Bromeliads Project (distribution and publication information, pictures, checklists by country etc.)
- Bromeliad Dwellers (Word file)
- Glossary of Bromeliaceae terms based on information from many Botanical sources. by Derek Butcher August 2016
- KEY TO THE GENERA OF BROMELIACEAE. This follows roughly the information given in the Monograph by Smith and Downs (Flora Neotropica no. 14, 1974 - 77) which covered 46 genera. Many changes since and current key (2019) covers 79 genera.
About Brom-L:
- Bromeliad Taxonomy and Identification
- Discussion of types grown
- Cultivation techniques of certain types
- Bromeliad events
- Scientific, biological issues relating to bromeliads
- Seeding and propagating techniques
- Hybrids and hybridizing
- Anything that would be of interest to bromeliad growers
The list may not be used for:
- commercial activities (advertising)
- personal conversation that is of no interest to other members
- conversations that have nothing to do with Bromeliads or growing plants
- replying to other messages without removing irrelevant text (digest messages will become difficult to read)
- When replying to messages, please removing irrelevant text from the original message(s) repeated under your reply - if you do not, digest messages will become very difficult to read and you will inconvenience readers of your message with unnecessary repeated text
- Some mail services do allow you to reject messages from certain email addresses. If these addresses are from members of this list that are regular contributors, do not use this feature, because we are getting an error message for each rejection. Just use the DEL key instead.
- Be sure that the subject line is clear in what the message is about.
- Development of the new BSI Bromeliad Cultivar Register (BCR) has been done at Brom-L/BCG Server, and has been moved to bsi.org as soon as ready for it.
- Yes the new BCR is being constantly updated and to let you know what happened recently you now have a 'What's new' button to press. For example did you know that Foster did not describe xQuesmea Lyman and thanks to Aussies and Marie Selby archives we now know what the plant looks like.
- You will also note that we using a BCR watermark on our photos. This is there to deter those who copy your photos and claim them as their own and for commercial purposes. These photos remain under the ownership of the photographer who sent us copies in the first place
- PRODUCTION CREW - Geoff, Derek, and Eric
Brom-L list functions:
- Subscribe/Unsubscribe to/from this list
- View or search the Archives ordered by month (April 2002 up till now, see history below)
- If there are any list problems, please contact the list owners of Brom-L
History of Brom-L discussion list
The list Brom-L has been started by Cassio van den Berg in 1993 at http://bdt.org.br in Brazil and Eric Gouda (list owner) was one of the first subscribers. Some of the archives were maintained by the Tropical Database (BDT) in Brasil, but probably not available any more.
From March 2002 to June 2010 the list was hosted by the University Utrecht Botanic Garden, at
SURFNET created by Eric. For the archives or subscription, see Brom-L List Functions above.
Summer 2010 Surfnet stopped their listserv activities and the list was moved to the Utrecht
University Server of the Beta Faculty
Happy growing and blooming.
Your listowners Eric Gouda and Andrew Flower
Updated January 30 2023 10:45, Access from Mar. 2016: