1956 - Woodland (Wild) - 2007-09-07
(Dimension: 2030 x 1550 pixels - Counter: 5757)
Trillium grandiflorum Tricolour double
Photographer: Brian Carson
Note: This double was found May 28/07 near Renfrew ON, Canada. It is a similar mutation(similar petals and six sepals) to the one found near Shawville PQ May 05. They bloom for ~two months.
Identification: pending
(Click on the picture to enlarge)
- Note: Brian Carson (2009-09-03) - A record bloom period for a Trillium? This Trillium grandiflorum "Renfrew double" produced two flowers May 1,09 and is still in flowerSept 3/09..Like the Eveready bunny, it keeps going and going. Unlike many other floral gems, It obviously has enjoyed the cool, wet summer we have experienced here in Ottawa (Zn4) this year. and a four inch mulch of old sawdust. Current soil temperature is 60F. (Sent: Trillium-l@nic.surfnet.nl)