3539 - AlpenPix (Garden) - 2012-10-20
(Dimension: 1441 x 2050 pixels - Counter: 8349)
2-shows Miniature garden close-up

Locality: UK - At an Alpine Garden Society Show
Photographer: Cliff Booker (Sent: Alpine-l@science.uu.nl)
Identification: pending
(Click on the picture to enlarge)
- Note: Cliff Booker (2012-10-21) - Firstly, please let me clear something up straight away, though I have (in the past) created a number of miniature gardens for exhibition at AGS Shows, these two examples illustrated here are not my creations!!!
There are a small number of exhibitors who take their creations to the national shows and the same mini-gardens appear at quite a number of events.
They are all semi-permanent plantings (please see my full response to Michael's query above). Plants establish themselves better if they are young and tiny. Holes are drilled in the tufa and the bare (washed) roots are introduced at the same time as a modicum of gritty, sandy compost.
I have searched the files and discovered these three links that will illustrate many other gardens and how they were created. There are at least three pages of information on each of these links courtesy of the SRGC and the AGS.
I hope these will assist all you budding miniature gardeners?
Kind regards to you all,
Cliff Booker
Whitworth, Lancashire. UK. Unzoned (thankfully) LOL.
http://www.srgc.net/forum/index.php?topic=7187.0 (Sent: Alpine-l@science.uu.nl) - Note: Cliff Booker (2012-10-21) - It appears that the links need to be copied and pasted rather than simply clicked as I had hoped.