2744 - AlpenPix (Wild) - 2010-11-30 (Dimension: 1054 x 818 pixels - Counter: 5773) Primula angustifolia Locality: USA - Colorado - East of Hoosier Pass, along the Continental Divide, Summit County, Colorado, at about 12,100 feet elevation. Photographer: Klaus Hendrix Note: Fairy Primrose is a diminutive, alpine species, standing just 1 to 2 inches above the ground when in full bloom. The best time for photographs of this stunning little gem is the last week of June to the first week of July, depending on the accumulated winter snow pack and how quickly it is melting that spring. P. angustifolia adapts well to my open garden where it is sited in a rich, moist, organic soil. (Sent: Alpine-l@nic.surfnet.nl) Identification: pending (Click on the picture to enlarge)