1968 - Bromeliads (Wild) - 2008-09-02
(Dimension: 1630 x 1250 pixels - Counter: 21655)
Aechmea nivea
(Uploaded as: Aechmea sp.)
Photographer: Chequita Bhikhi
Note: Picture taken near Tiputini, Ecuador
Identification: Solved
- Note (1969): José Manzanares (2008-09-02) - The photos you send belongs to the Aechmea penduliflora. The description in the book is in the page 198-199.
- Note (1969): Eric J. Gouda (2008-09-02) - Harry: This Aechmea from Ecuador looks a little bit like A.pendulifora but differs in many characteristics, so I do not think it is this species. Do you have seen it before?
- Note (1969): Harry Luther (2008-09-02) - Never seen it , probably new or a hybrid. Check for a glabrescent a. nivea. Need dimensions, flower color etc. Hybrid of A. pend. X A. woronowii?? Hope you have a sprecimen. Foliage not A. pend. either
- Identification (1969): Harry E. Luther (2009-08-30) =Aechmea nivea
- Inflorescence densely leidote. First photo Ive seen of a live one. HEL ps: send me a voucher. (Sent: brom-l@nic.surfnet.nl)