5156 - Bromeliads (Garden) - 2009-08-25
(Dimension: 2030 x 1550 pixels - Counter: 15474)
Fosterella pendulifloria

(Uploaded as: Fosterella pendulifloria)
Locality: USA - Fremont California - Outdoor Garden grown in a pot, bright light no direct sun
Photographer: Wesley Schilling
Note: Fosterella plsnt (Sent: brom-l@nic.surfnet.nl)
Identification: Solved
- Note (5154): Charles Dills (2009-08-26) - It looks like it will have colored petals.
The only Fosterella I have had with colored petals was Fosterella spectabilis. That's what this MAY be.
See: http://www.charlies-web.com/bromeliads-alphalist/tex925.html - Identification (5154): E.J.Gouda (2009-08-26) =Fosterella pendulifloria
- It looks a little bit like F.spectabilis the way it has been photographed, but it is probably just F.penduliflora that is quite variable and can have pinkish petals