15289 - Bromeliads (Wild) - 2018-05-26
(Dimension: 2590 x 1970 pixels - Counter: 4385)
Guzmania squarrosa
(Uploaded as: Guzmania sp.)
Locality: Colombia - Cauca - Purace National Park
Photographer: Bruce Dunstan
Identification: Solved
- Identification (15288): Eric Gouda (2018-05-28) =Guzmania squarrosa
(Sent: brom-l@science.uu.nl)
- Note (15288): Jerry Raack (2018-05-29) - Eric, I'm not convinced that all the plants that show up labeled as G. squarrosa are really that species. Way too variable for them to all be the same. This is the complex I'd like to do a study on. Has anyone done any DNA studies on this grouping of plants? If so, who could I speak with? (Sent: brom-l@science.uu.nl)