1851 - Bromeliads (Wild) - 2007-07-11
(Dimension: 2078 x 1586 pixels - Counter: 15073)
Guzmania desautelsii
(Uploaded as: Guzmania Santa Fe)
Photographer: Bruce Dunstan
Note: Santa Fe Panama
Identification: Solved
- Note: Eric Gouda (2007-07-11) - Guzmania remyi
- Note: Harry Luther (2007-07-11) - G. desautelsii
G. remyi is only western Ecuador and adjacent Col., pink bracts. G. desautelsii is C.R. and Panama, usually dark red bracts. Both have white corollas. Ive seen no record of the latter in Ecu. but a number of C.R. and Panama "endemics" keep turning up down south. - Note: Eric Gouda (2007-07-11) - This is interesting, so I created an identification case for it.
I didn't know G. desautelsii could have pink bracts, but having a better look to the picture it surely has the more compact spike of this species (less elongate than in G.remyi). Thanks for the explanation Harry!