7761 - Bromeliads (Wild) - 2011-10-13 (Dimension: 3518 x 2666 pixels - Counter: 11814) Guzmania sp. nov. Locality: Ecuador - Prov. of Zamora-Chinchipe, area of Estación Cientifica San Francisco (S 03°58´, W 79°04´ ), road Loja-Zamora, ca. 35 km from Loja; moist montane forest Photographer: Florian Werner Note: Col.: Werner, F.A. 1997 (12-05-2006) - Det.: H. Luther (SEL) 2007 veins and crossveins of leaves bright red, giving a locally unique fine squared pattern. Uncommon. Petals wool-white, bracts essentially reddish-brown. Finally pressed (photos) 4.6.06. |