1830 - Bromeliads () - 2007-05-15
(Dimension: 2030 x 1550 pixels - Counter: 12337)
Neoregelia x spectabilis hybrid
(Uploaded as: Aechmea paradoxa)
Photographer: Estela Ikegami
Note: Botanic Garden Curitiba, Paraná State Brazil
Identification: Solved
- Note: Eric Gouda (2007-05-15) - Neoregelia but which one?
- Note: Derek Butcher (2007-05-16) - It is a paradox but better as Aechmea. Note pink flowers and lots of other things you can't see in the photo.
- Note: Harry Luther (2007-05-16) - Neoregelia hybrid involving spectabilis.
- Note: Derek Butcher (2007-05-17) - Whoops! The thumbnail still shows red petals to me but then I pressed click!To get a broader picture! I suggest that Estela advises the Curitiba Bot Garden so they can check their provenance. It may have been grown from seed and may be a innocent error or may be able to help in understanding the paradox about Aechmea paradoxa
- Note: Paula Stephens (2009-01-01) - I have one similar to this although it has lavender flowers. I have just begun to identify the ones I have now and am very interested in expanding my garden.
- Note: Derek Butcher (2009-01-02) - Paula
If you are trying to identify Neoregelia hybrids you are in for a great challenge. You don't say which Country you come from but if it is Australia I suggest you look for Neoregelia 'Binotti Hybrid' under the Bromeliad Cultivar data base on http://bsi.org or http;//fcbs.org Emeritus Bromeliad Cultivar Registrar