11118 - (Wild) - 2013-09-26 (Dimension: 2004 x 2050 pixels - Counter: 3738) Pitcairnia trianae (Uploaded as: Pitcairnia ?) Locality: Colombia - Huila - Macizo Colombiana, along the Rio Magdalena at approx. 2,500 meters in lush cloud forest, just a few kilometers before the trail (parts of which are pre-Colombian) climbs up to sub-paramo and paramo at the source of the Magdalena and 3 other rivers. Photographer: Scott Sandel Note: I have looked at 126 species of Pitcairnias on the Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies Bromeliad Photo Index webpages, and I do not see this plant with its characteristic chartreuse coloring and flower form. Description: Conspicuous chartreuse-green bracts, light yellow flowers [sorry lighting makes flower petals seem white, which is incorrect]. Un-branched inflorescence, approx. 1.3 meters long; many arching 1 meter long leaves. Second photo is for context. Apologies photos taken on horseback. Identification: Solved