10246 - Bromeliads (Garden) - 2012-08-06
(Dimension: 780 x 1050 pixels - Counter: 12252)
Puya weberbaueri
(Uploaded as: Puya spec.)
Locality: Peru - Cusco - Machu picchu, near the entrance.
Photographer: Kan Morikawa
Note: The long bracts can have more than 10 flowers.
Identification: Solved
- Note (10245): Kan Morikawa (2012-08-06) - Sorry, it brooms on october.
- Identification (10245): Eric Gouda (2012-08-06) =Puya weberbaueri
- Kan, you are right it is Puya weberbaueri. I have compared specimen from Machu Picchu with the type and they are quite similar. The bracts are loosing indument in the herbarium specimen, making it look different.