9684 - Bromeliads (Garden) - 2012-01-30
(Dimensie: 1344 x 2033 pixels - Teller: 11362)

Fotograaf: Kerry Tate
Determinatie: gevraagd
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- Opmerking (9682): Richard Martin (2012-01-30) - Looks like a Billbergia macrocalyx hybrid with its upright flower and white spotted leaves?My B.macrocalyx have paler blue flowers. (Verzonden: brom-l@science.uu.nl)
- Opmerking (9682): Uncle Derek (2012-01-31) - While it does look like B. macrocalyx I always think hybrid when coming from Florida. Don Beadle did thousands of hybrids and and only a limited number were registered. Neither B. fosteriana nor B. macrocalyx feature in any of Beadle's registrations. Contact should be made with Michael as to registration whether parentage is unknown or not, so this similarity with B. macrocalyx can be recorded. Note that some taxonomists doubt the status of B. fosteriana at species level (Verzonden: brom-l@science.uu.nl)