Enthusiast Group (AEG)
Key to Arisaema species of the world
Guy & Liliane Gusman, Eric Gouda,
1(0). | - Distribution
Malesian ... 2
- Distribution
Indochinese... 12
- Distribution
Sino-Japanese... 28
- Distribution
Sino-Himalayan... 68
- Distribution East
African... 120
- Distribution Arabian... 127
- Distribution North American... 129
- Distribution South Indian... 132
2(1). |
- Inflorescence spadix included in or slightly exserted from tube ... 3
- Inflorescence spadix protruding but not exceeding
spathe... 8
- Inflorescence spadix longer than
spathe... 9
3(2). |
- Shoot leaf trifoliolate ... 4
- Shoot leaf
pedate... Arisaema scortechinii
- Shoot leaf radiate... Arisaema
4(3). |
- Plant penducle shorter than ... 5
- Plant
penducle nearly the size of... 6
5(4). |
- Shoot 1 leaf at most; inflorescence appendage extremity filiform;
inflorescence limb does not have dark coloured transverse cross-band
... Arisaema microspadix
- Shoot more than 1 leave; inflorescence appendage extremity thin and 1-2 mm
across; inflorescence limb has dark coloured transverse
cross-band... Arisaema ramulosum
6(4). |
- Shoot 1 leaf at most; inflorescence appendage extremity thin and 1-2 mm
across ... Arisaema barbatum
- Shoot more than 1 leave; inflorescence appendage extremity
filiform... 7
7(6). |
- Inflorescence limb has dark coloured transverse cross-band
... Arisaema laminatum
- Inflorescence limb does not have dark coloured transverse
cross-band... Arisaema laminatum var. inclusum, Arisaema
8(2). |
- Leaflets 3 at most; inflorescence appendage extremity is even; plant
aseasonal and evergreen (section Anomala) ... Arisaema
- Leaflets 5 at most; inflorescence appendage extremity bears capillary
filaments; plant seasonally dormant and deciduous... Arisaema
9(2). |
- Plant penducle shorter than ... Arisaema filiforme
- Plant penducle nearly the size of... 10
- Plant
penducle longer than... 11
10(9). |
- Leaflets 3 at most; inflorescence appendage extremity is even;
inflorescence tube mouth-margins widely recurved or auriculate; inflorescence
limb spotted ... Arisaema umbrinum
- Leaflets 5 at most; inflorescence appendage extremity bears capillary
filaments; inflorescence tube mouth-margins straight or slightly recurved;
inflorescence limb plain/longitudinally striped... Arisaema
11(9). |
- Shoot 1 leaf at most; shoot leaf pedate; inflorescence tube mouth-margins
widely recurved or auriculate; inflorescence appendage extremity is even
... Arisaema wrayi
- Shoot more than 1 leave; shoot leaf trifoliolate; inflorescence tube
mouth-margins straight or slightly recurved; inflorescence appendage extremity
bears capillary filaments... Arisaema
12(1). |
- Shoot leaf trifoliolate ... 13
- Shoot leaf
pedate... 15
- Shoot leaf radiate... 26
13(12). |
- Plant penducle shorter than ... 14
- Plant
penducle nearly the size of... Arisaema sp. Sin
14(13). |
- Inflorescence appendage glabrous ... Arisaema prazeri
- Inflorescence appendage bears neuters or bristles... Arisaema
15(12). |
- Inflorescence appendage extremity is even ... 16
- Inflorescence appendage extremity is
knobbly/dentate... 21
- Inflorescence appendage
extremity is echinate... Arisaema rhizomatum
- Inflorescence appendage extremity bears short bristles... 22
- Inflorescence appendage extremity bears capillary
filaments... 23
16(15). |
- Inflorescence appendage glabrous ... 17
- Inflorescence appendage bears neuters or
bristles... 20
17(16). |
- Shoot size of the petiole or longer; leaflets 5 at most ... 18
- Shoot inconspicuous to much shorter than petiole;
leaflets 3 at most... 19
18(17). |
- Leaflets terminated; inflorescence appendage basis conical; inflorescence
appendage extremity thin and 1-2 mm across; inflorescence appendage subulate
... Arisaema sp. Sapa
- Leaflets not terminated; inflorescence appendage basis cylindrical;
inflorescence appendage extremity thicker than 1-2mm; inflorescence appendage
apically clavate or cylindric... Arisaema
19(17). |
- Shoot pseudostem; plant seasonally dormant and deciduous
... Arisaema petiolulatum
- Shoot petiole and peduncle wrapped in separate cataphylls; plant aseasonal
and evergreen (section Anomala)... Arisaema
20(16). |
- Plant penducle shorter than; inflorescence appendage extremity thin and 1-2
mm across; inflorescence limb at the base has large white spot; inflorescence
anthers (sub)sessile ... Arisaema inkiangense
- Plant penducle longer than; inflorescence appendage extremity thicker than
1-2mm; inflorescence limb at the base does not have large white spot;
inflorescence anthers stalked... Arisaema
21(15). |
- Leaflets 3 at most; plant aseasonal and evergreen (section Anomala); shoot
petiole and peduncle wrapped in separate cataphylls; inflorescence appendage
basis cylindrical ... Arisaema bannaense
- Leaflets more than 5; plant seasonally dormant and deciduous; shoot
pseudostem; inflorescence appendage basis conical... Arisaema
22(15). |
- Plant penducle shorter than; shoot petiole and peduncle wrapped in separate
cataphylls; shoot inconspicuous to much shorter than petiole; shoot 1 leaf at
most ... Arisaema pingbianense
- Plant penducle nearly the size of; shoot pseudostem; shoot size of the
petiole or longer; shoot more than 1 leave... Arisaema
23(15). |
- Plant penducle shorter than ... 24
- Plant
penducle nearly the size of... Arisaema petelotii
- Plant penducle longer than... 25
24(23). |
- Leaflets 3 at most; inflorescence tube mouth-margins widely recurved or
auriculate; inflorescence spadices bisexual; inflorescence stigma penicillate
... Arisaema omkoiense
- Leaflets 5 at most; inflorescence tube mouth-margins straight or slightly
recurved; inflorescence spadices female only; inflorescence stigma
capitate... Arisaema setosum
25(23). |
- Shoot pseudostem; shoot size of the petiole or longer; shoot more than 1
leave; inflorescence tube mouth-margins straight or slightly recurved
... Arisaema victoriae
- Shoot petiole and peduncle wrapped in separate cataphylls; shoot
inconspicuous to much shorter than petiole; shoot 1 leaf at most; inflorescence
tube mouth-margins widely recurved or auriculate... Arisaema
26(12). |
- Inflorescence spadix included in or slightly exserted from tube; plant
fruit peduncle nodding; tuber non-stoloniferous; shoot size of the petiole or
longer ... 27
- Inflorescence spadix protruding
but not exceeding spathe; plant fruit peduncle erect; tuber stoloniferous;
shoot inconspicuous to much shorter than petiole... Arisaema
27(26). |
- Shoot 1 leaf at most; inflorescence tube mouth-margins straight or slightly
recurved; inflorescence appendage extremity is knobbly/dentate
... Arisaema sukotaiense
- Shoot more than 1 leave; inflorescence tube mouth-margins widely recurved or
auriculate; inflorescence appendage extremity is even... Arisaema
28(1). |
- Plant germination with aerial blade, simple ... 29
- Plant germination with aerial blade,
compound... 47
- Plant germination with protocorm
only, and no aerial blade... 64
29(28). |
- Shoot leaf trifoliolate ... 30
- Shoot leaf
pedate... 32
- Shoot leaf radiate... 45
30(29). |
- Plant penducle shorter than; tuber phyllotaxis spirodistichous;
inflorescence tube mouth-margins widely recurved or auriculate; inflorescence
spadix included in or slightly exserted from tube ... 31
- Plant penducle nearly the size of; tuber phyllotaxis
quincuncial; inflorescence tube mouth-margins straight or slightly recurved;
inflorescence spadix protruding but not exceeding spathe... Arisaema
31(30). |
- Plant inflorescence emerges well before the foliage; tuber stoloniferous;
shoot size of the petiole or longer; inflorescence limb not fornicate or
galeate ... Arisaema ternatipartitum
- Plant inflorescence emerges with the foliage; tuber non-stoloniferous; shoot
inconspicuous to much shorter than petiole; inflorescence limb fornicate or
galeate... Arisaema ringens
32(29). |
- Plant penducle shorter than ... 33
- Plant
penducle nearly the size of... 43
- Plant penducle
longer than... Arisaema limbatum
33(32). |
- Tuber phyllotaxis quincuncial; inflorescence appendage (sub)sessile
... 34
- Tuber phyllotaxis spirodistichous;
inflorescence appendage stipitate... 37
34(33). |
- Plant central leaflet turned upwards ... 35
- Plant central leaflet turned
downwards... Arisaema kiushianum
35(34). |
- Inflorescence appendage glabrous ... Arisaema cordatum
- Inflorescence appendage bears neuters or bristles... 36
36(35). |
- Inflorescence spadix included in or slightly exserted from tube
... Arisaema heterocephalum
- Inflorescence spadix protruding but not exceeding spathe... Arisaema
37(33). |
- Leaflets central leaflet as long as or longer than ... 38
- Leaflets central leaflet shorter than... 41
38(37). |
- Leaflets 5 at most ... 39
- Leaflets more than
5... 40
39(38). |
- Plant inflorescence emerges well before the foliage; shoot size of the
petiole or longer ... Arisaema aprile
- Plant inflorescence emerges with the foliage; shoot inconspicuous to much
shorter than petiole... Arisaema amurense
40(38). |
- Shoot 1 leaf at most ... Arisaema ishizuchiense subsp.
- Shoot more than 1 leave... Arisaema nikoense, Arisaema
41(37). |
- Plant inflorescence emerges well before the foliage ... Arisaema
- Plant inflorescence emerges with the foliage... 42
42(41). |
- Shoot size of the petiole or longer; shoot 1 leaf at most; leaflets more
than 5; leaflets central leaflet petiolulate ... Arisaema
- Shoot inconspicuous to much shorter than petiole; shoot more than 1 leave;
leaflets 5 at most; leaflets central leaflet (sub)sessile... Arisaema
43(32). |
- Leaflets 5 at most ... 44
- Leaflets more than
5... Arisaema minamitanii
44(43). |
- Shoot 1 leaf at most; inflorescence limb at the base does not have large
white spot; inflorescence spadices female only; inflorescence spadix included
in or slightly exserted from tube ... Arisaema ishizuchiense
- Shoot more than 1 leave; inflorescence limb at the base has large white
spot; inflorescence spadices bisexual; inflorescence spadix protruding but not
exceeding spathe... Arisaema grapsospadix
45(29). |
- Shoot size of the petiole or longer; shoot more than 1 leave; inflorescence
appendage extremity is even; plant central leaflet turned upwards ... 46
- Shoot inconspicuous to much shorter than petiole;
shoot 1 leaf at most; inflorescence appendage extremity is spongy; plant
central leaflet turned downwards... Arisaema
46(45). |
- Leaflets terminated; inflorescence tube mouth-margins widely recurved or
auriculate; inflorescence limb expanded, sometimes with conspicuous flaps;
inflorescence spadix included in or slightly exserted from tube
... Arisaema consanguineum
- Leaflets not terminated; inflorescence tube mouth-margins straight or
slightly recurved; inflorescence limb slightly broader than tube; inflorescence
spadix protruding but not exceeding spathe... Arisaema
47(28). |
- Shoot 1 leaf at most ... 48
- Shoot more than
1 leave... 53
48(47). |
- Inflorescence limb ends in filiform head ... 49
- Inflorescence limb does not end in filiform
head... 50
49(48). |
- Plant penducle shorter than ... Arisaema maximowiczii
- Plant penducle nearly the size of... Arisaema cucullatum
- Plant penducle longer than... Arisaema
50(48). |
- Shoot size of the petiole or longer ... 51
- Shoot inconspicuous to much shorter than
petiole... Arisaema sazensoo
51(50). |
- Leaflets central leaflet as long as or longer than ... Arisaema
kuratae, Arisaema iyoanum, Arisaema serratum
- Leaflets central leaflet shorter than... 52
52(51). |
- Leaflets central leaflet petiolulate; inflorescence limb has dark coloured
transverse cross-band; inflorescence appendage extremity is knobbly/dentate
... Arisaema monophyllum
- Leaflets central leaflet (sub)sessile; inflorescence limb does not have dark
coloured transverse cross-band; inflorescence appendage extremity is
even... Arisaema seppikoense
53(47). |
- Inflorescence appendage extremity is even ... 54
- Inflorescence appendage extremity is
knobbly/dentate... 60
- Inflorescence appendage
extremity is spongy... Arisaema negishii
- Inflorescence appendage extremity is echinate... Arisaema
- Inflorescence appendage extremity bears short bristles... 62
- Inflorescence appendage extremity bears capillary
filaments... Arisaema negishii
54(53). |
- Inflorescence appendage stipitate; tuber phyllotaxis spirodistichous;
inflorescence appendage glabrous ... 55
- Inflorescence appendage (sub)sessile; tuber
phyllotaxis quincuncial; inflorescence appendage bears neuters or
bristles... 58
55(54). |
- Leaflets central leaflet petiolulate ... 56
- Leaflets central leaflet (sub)sessile... 57
56(55). |
- Inflorescence limb at the base has large white spot; inflorescence
appendage extremity thin and 1-2 mm across; inflorescence limb partially to
totally translucent ... Arisaema tashiroi
- Inflorescence limb at the base does not have large white spot; inflorescence
appendage extremity thicker than 1-2mm; inflorescence limb
opaque... Arisaema engleri, Arisaema
serratum, Arisaema yamatense
57(55). |
- Leaflets 5 at most; inflorescence limb does not end in filiform head; plant
inflorescence emerges with the foliage ... Arisaema sikokianum
- Leaflets more than 5; inflorescence limb ends in filiform head; plant
inflorescence emerges well before the foliage... Arisaema
58(54). |
- Plant central leaflet turned upwards; leaflets central leaflet as long as
or longer than ... 59
- Plant central leaflet
turned downwards; leaflets central leaflet shorter than... Arisaema
59(58). |
- Inflorescence spadix included in or slightly exserted from tube
... Arisaema heterocephalum
- Inflorescence spadix protruding but not exceeding spathe... Arisaema
60(53). |
- Plant inflorescence emerges with the foliage ... 61
- Plant inflorescence emerges well after the
foliage... Arisaema abei
61(60). |
- Tuber phyllotaxis quincuncial; leaflets central leaflet shorter than;
inflorescence appendage (sub)sessile; inflorescence appendage bears neuters or
bristles ... Arisaema negishii
- Tuber phyllotaxis spirodistichous; leaflets central leaflet as long as or
longer than; inflorescence appendage stipitate; inflorescence appendage
glabrous... Arisaema tosaense
62(53). |
- Shoot leaf trifoliolate ... Arisaema penicillatum
- Shoot leaf pedate... 63
63(62). |
- Plant penducle shorter than; leaflets more than 5; inflorescence spadices
female only; plant seasonally dormant and deciduous ... Arisaema
- Plant penducle nearly the size of; leaflets 5 at most; inflorescence
spadices bisexual; plant aseasonal and evergreen (section
Anomala)... Arisaema grapsospadix
64(28). |
- Inflorescence appendage glabrous ... 65
- Inflorescence appendage bears neuters or
bristles... 66
65(64). |
- Inflorescence appendage in the tube smooth ... Arisaema thunbergii
subsp. Urashima, Arisaema thunbergii subsp. autumnale
- Inflorescence appendage in the tube rugose... Arisaema thunbergii
subsp. thunbergii
66(64). |
- Inflorescence appendage extremity filiform ... Arisaema
- Inflorescence appendage extremity thin and 1-2 mm across... Arisaema
- Inflorescence appendage extremity thicker than 1-2mm... 67
67(66). |
- Inflorescence spadix included in or slightly exserted from tube
... Arisaema heterocephalum
- Inflorescence spadix protruding but not exceeding spathe... Arisaema
68(1). |
- Shoot leaf trifoliolate ... 69
- Shoot leaf
pedate... 95
- Shoot leaf radiate... 110
69(68). |
- Inflorescence lamellae inside spathe ... 70
- Inflorescence lamellae absent or outside
spathe... 87
70(69). |
- Tuber underground stem elongated ... 71
- Tuber underground stem subglobose... 74
- Tuber underground stem saucer-shaped... 82
71(70). |
- Inflorescence limb slightly broader than tube; inflorescence limb fornicate
or galeate; inflorescence appendage in the tube rugose ... 72
- Inflorescence limb expanded, sometimes with
conspicuous flaps; inflorescence limb not fornicate or galeate; inflorescence
appendage in the tube smooth... 73
72(71). |
- Inflorescence tube inner surface smooth ... Arisaema speciosum var.
- Inflorescence tube inner surface ribbed/lamellate... Arisaema
speciosum Ziro
73(71). |
- Inflorescence limb partially to totally reticulate; inflorescence limb
extremity obtuse or truncate; inflorescence appendage above fertile part
(sub)truncate ... Arisaema dahaiense
- Inflorescence limb not reticulate; inflorescence limb extremity acuminate or
acute; inflorescence appendage above fertile part not
(sub)truncate... Arisaema speciosum
74(70). |
- Inflorescence appendage above fertile part (sub)truncate ... 75
- Inflorescence appendage above fertile part not
(sub)truncate... 78
75(74). |
- Inflorescence limb fornicate or galeate ... 76
- Inflorescence limb not fornicate or
galeate... 77
76(75). |
- Shoot 1 leaf at most; leaflets central leaflet petiolulate; leaflets
lateral leaflets all petiolulate; inflorescence tube inner surface smooth
... Arisaema galeatum
- Shoot more than 1 leave; leaflets central leaflet (sub)sessile; leaflets
lateral leaflets sometimes (sub)sessile; inflorescence tube inner surface
ribbed/lamellate... Arisaema ostiolatum
77(75). |
- Inflorescence limb slightly broader than tube; inflorescence limb not
reticulate; inflorescence limb extremity acuminate or acute
... Arisaema costatum
- Inflorescence limb expanded, sometimes with conspicuous flaps; inflorescence
limb partially to totally reticulate; inflorescence limb extremity obtuse or
truncate... Arisaema vexillatum
78(74). |
- Shoot 1 leaf at most ... 79
- Shoot more than
1 leave... 81
79(78). |
- Leaflets central leaflet petiolulate; leaflets lateral leaflets all
petiolulate; inflorescence limb expanded, sometimes with conspicuous flaps
... Arisaema lingyunense
- Leaflets central leaflet (sub)sessile; leaflets lateral leaflets sometimes
(sub)sessile; inflorescence limb slightly broader than tube... 80
80(79). |
- Inflorescence limb fornicate or galeate; inflorescence limb not reticulate
... Arisaema pianmaense
- Inflorescence limb not fornicate or galeate; inflorescence limb partially to
totally reticulate... Arisaema tengtsungense
81(78). |
- Inflorescence tube inner surface smooth; shoot petiole and peduncle smooth
... Arisaema intermedium
- Inflorescence tube inner surface ribbed/lamellate; shoot petiole and
peduncle rugose with asperities or verrucosities... Arisaema
82(70). |
- Shoot 1 leaf at most ... 83
- Shoot more than
1 leave... 85
83(82). |
- Inflorescence appendage above fertile part (sub)truncate
... Arisaema wilsonii, Arisaema dilatatum
- Inflorescence appendage above fertile part not (sub)truncate... 84
84(83). |
- Inflorescence appendage in the tube smooth ... Arisaema
- Inflorescence appendage in the tube rugose... Arisaema elephas var.
85(82). |
- Plant germination with aerial blade, simple; inflorescence limb expanded,
sometimes with conspicuous flaps; inflorescence appendage extremity filiform;
inflorescence limb partially to totally reticulate ... 86
- Plant germination with protocorm only, and no aerial
blade; inflorescence limb slightly broader than tube; inflorescence appendage
extremity thicker than 1-2mm; inflorescence limb not
reticulate... Arisaema asperatum
86(85). |
- Infructescence receptacle whitish ... Arisaema utile
- Infructescence receptacle purple... Arisaema
87(69). |
- Plant inflorescence emerges well before the foliage ... 88
- Plant inflorescence emerges with the
foliage... 90
- Plant inflorescence emerges well
after the foliage... 92
- Plant inflorescence
emerges independently... Arisaema lobatum
88(87). |
- Tuber phyllotaxis quincuncial; inflorescence spadix protruding but not
exceeding spathe ... 89
- Tuber phyllotaxis
spirodistichous; inflorescence spadix included in or slightly exserted from
tube... Arisaema lobatum
89(88). |
- Inflorescence appendage extremity thin and 1-2 mm across
... Arisaema lichiangense
- Inflorescence appendage extremity thicker than 1-2mm... Arisaema
90(87). |
- Inflorescence spadix included in or slightly exserted from tube ... 91
- Inflorescence spadix protruding but not exceeding
spathe... Arisaema franchetianum
91(90). |
- Tuber phyllotaxis quincuncial ... Arisaema fargesii
- Tuber phyllotaxis spirodistichous... Arisaema
92(87). |
- Tuber phyllotaxis quincuncial; inflorescence appendage (sub)sessile
... 93
- Tuber phyllotaxis spirodistichous;
inflorescence appendage stipitate... Arisaema
93(92). |
- Plant penducle nearly the size of ... 94
- Plant penducle longer than... Arisaema
94(93). |
- Shoot size of the petiole or longer; shoot 1 leaf at most; inflorescence
spadices female only; plant appendage bent forward ... Arisaema
- Shoot inconspicuous to much shorter than petiole; shoot more than 1 leave;
inflorescence spadices bisexual; plant appendage S-shaped... Arisaema
95(68). |
- Inflorescence appendage glabrous ... 96
- Inflorescence appendage bears neuters or
bristles... 103
96(95). |
- Inflorescence stamen two anthers on one stamen ... 97
- Inflorescence stamen fused stamens... 98
97(96). |
- Plant penducle nearly the size of; plant fruit peduncle nodding;
inflorescence limb spotted; plant inflorescence emerges with the foliage
... Arisaema flavum subsp. abbreviatum
- Plant penducle longer than; plant fruit peduncle erect; inflorescence limb
plain/longitudinally striped; plant inflorescence emerges well before the
foliage... Arisaema flavum subsp. tibeticum
98(96). |
- Inflorescence appendage stipitate ... 99
- Inflorescence appendage (sub)sessile... 100
99(98). |
- Shoot size of the petiole or longer; leaflets 5 at most; leaflets not
terminated; inflorescence appendage basis cylindrical ... Arisaema
- Shoot inconspicuous to much shorter than petiole; leaflets more than 5;
leaflets terminated; inflorescence appendage basis conical... Arisaema
100(98). |
- Tuber non-stoloniferous ... 101
- Tuber
stoloniferous... Arisaema omeiense, Arisaema
101(100). | - Shoot 1 leaf at most; leaflets 5 at most ... Arisaema
yunnanense var. aridum
- Shoot more than 1 leave; leaflets more than 5... 102
102(101). | - Plant germination with aerial blade, simple; inflorescence
spadices female only; plant inflorescence emerges well after the foliage; plant
penducle shorter than ... Arisaema saxatile
- Plant germination with aerial blade, compound; inflorescence spadices
bisexual; plant inflorescence emerges with the foliage; plant penducle nearly
the size of... Arisaema tortuosum
103(95). |
- Leaflets 3 at most ... 104
- Leaflets 5 at
most... Arisaema nepenthoides
- Leaflets more than 5... 105
104(103). | - Inflorescence appendage stipitate ... Arisaema
- Inflorescence appendage (sub)sessile... Arisaema
105(103). | - Shoot 1 leaf at most ... 106
- Shoot more than 1 leave... 108
106(105). | - Plant germination with aerial blade, simple; inflorescence
appendage stipitate ... Arisaema shimienense, Arisaema
- Plant germination with aerial blade, compound; inflorescence appendage
(sub)sessile... 107
107(106). | - Plant inflorescence emerges with the foliage; inflorescence
spadices bisexual ... Arisaema heterophyllum
- Plant inflorescence emerges well after the foliage; inflorescence spadices
female only... Arisaema heterophyllum
108(105). | - Inflorescence spadix included in or slightly exserted from
tube; inflorescence appendage extremity thicker than 1-2mm ... 109
- Inflorescence spadix protruding but not exceeding
spathe; inflorescence appendage extremity thin and 1-2 mm
across... Arisaema hunanense
109(108). | - Inflorescence appendage extremity is even ... Arisaema
- Inflorescence appendage extremity is knobbly/dentate... Arisaema
110(68). |
- Inflorescence appendage glabrous ... 111
- Inflorescence appendage bears neuters or
bristles... 116
111(110). | - Inflorescence spadix included in or slightly exserted from
tube ... 112
- Inflorescence spadix protruding
but not exceeding spathe... 114
- Inflorescence
spadix longer than spathe... Arisaema
112(111). | - Tuber phyllotaxis quincuncial; leaflets 5 at most; leaflets
symmetry not wheel-like ... Arisaema wardii
- Tuber phyllotaxis spirodistichous; leaflets more than 5; leaflets symmetry
wheel-like... 113
113(112). | - Shoot 1 leaf at most; plant germination with aerial blade,
simple; inflorescence tube mouth-margins widely recurved or auriculate;
inflorescence limb expanded, sometimes with conspicuous flaps
... Arisaema erubescens
- Shoot more than 1 leave; plant germination with aerial blade, compound;
inflorescence tube mouth-margins straight or slightly recurved; inflorescence
limb slightly broader than tube... Arisaema
114(111). | - Leaflets 5 at most; inflorescence tube mouth-margins widely
recurved or auriculate; inflorescence limb spotted; inflorescence limb does not
end in filiform head ... Arisaema hungyaense
- Leaflets more than 5; inflorescence tube mouth-margins straight or slightly
recurved; inflorescence limb plain/longitudinally striped; inflorescence limb
ends in filiform head... 115
115(114). | - Plant penducle shorter than; leaflets terminated; leaflets
central leaflet petiolulate; leaflets lateral leaflets all petiolulate
... Arisaema souliei
- Plant penducle nearly the size of; leaflets not terminated; leaflets central
leaflet (sub)sessile; leaflets lateral leaflets sometimes
(sub)sessile... Arisaema jacquemontii
116(110). | - Inflorescence appendage extremity is even ... 117
- Inflorescence appendage extremity is
knobbly/dentate... 119
- Inflorescence appendage
extremity is echinate... Arisaema echinatum
117(116). | - Plant fruit peduncle nodding; shoot more than 1 leave; plant
germination with aerial blade, simple; inflorescence tube mouth-margins widely
recurved or auriculate ... 118
- Plant fruit
peduncle erect; shoot 1 leaf at most; plant germination with aerial blade,
compound; inflorescence tube mouth-margins straight or slightly
recurved... Arisaema fraternum
118(117). | - Tuber non-stoloniferous ... Arisaema
- Tuber stoloniferous... Arisaema ciliatum var.
119(116). | - Plant fruit peduncle nodding; shoot 1 leaf at most; plant
germination with aerial blade, simple; inflorescence tube mouth-margins widely
recurved or auriculate ... Arisaema ciliatum
- Plant fruit peduncle erect; shoot more than 1 leave; plant germination with
aerial blade, compound; inflorescence tube mouth-margins straight or slightly
recurved... Arisaema concinnum
120(1). |
- Inflorescence appendage glabrous ... 121
- Inflorescence appendage bears neuters or
bristles... 125
121(120). | - Tuber phyllotaxis quincuncial; shoot leaf pedate;
Inflorescence stamen two anthers on one stamen; inflorescence appendage
extremity is knobbly/dentate ... Arisaema flavum subsp. flavum
- Tuber phyllotaxis spirodistichous; shoot leaf radiate; Inflorescence stamen
fused stamens; inflorescence appendage extremity is even... 122
122(121). | - Leaflets terminated ... 123
- Leaflets not terminated... 124
123(122). | - Shoot size of the petiole or longer ... Arisaema
- Shoot inconspicuous to much shorter than petiole... Arisaema
124(122). | - Inflorescence tube mouth-margins straight or slightly
recurved; inflorescence limb ends in filiform head; inflorescence tube not
constricted ... Arisaema schimperianum
- Inflorescence tube mouth-margins widely recurved or auriculate;
inflorescence limb does not end in filiform head; inflorescence tube
constricted... Arisaema enneaphyllum
125(120). | - Tuber phyllotaxis quincuncial; shoot more than 1 leave; shoot
leaf pedate; inflorescence appendage extremity is even ... 126
- Tuber phyllotaxis spirodistichous; shoot 1 leaf at
most; shoot leaf radiate; inflorescence appendage extremity is
knobbly/dentate... Arisaema constrictum
126(125). | - Leaflets terminated ... Arisaema mildbraedii
- Leaflets not terminated... Arisaema
127(1). |
- Shoot leaf pedate; tuber phyllotaxis quincuncial; Inflorescence stamen two
anthers on one stamen ... 128
- Shoot leaf
radiate; tuber phyllotaxis spirodistichous; Inflorescence stamen fused
stamens... Arisaema bottae
128(127). | - Inflorescence limb plain/longitudinally striped; inflorescence
appendage extremity is knobbly/dentate ... Arisaema flavum subsp.
- Inflorescence limb spotted; inflorescence appendage extremity is
even... Arisaema flavum subsp. abbreviatum
129(1). |
- Leaflets 3 at most ... 130
- Leaflets 5 at
most... Arisaema triphyllum subsp. pusillum
- Leaflets more than 5... 131
130(129). | - Inflorescence tube outer surface smooth ... Arisaema
- Inflorescence tube outer surface ridged... Arisaema triphyllum
subsp. stewardsonii
131(129). | - Shoot size of the petiole or longer; inflorescence appendage
bears neuters or bristles; plant inflorescence emerges with the foliage;
leaflets central leaflet shorter than ... Arisaema dracontium
- Shoot inconspicuous to much shorter than petiole; inflorescence appendage
glabrous; plant inflorescence emerges well before the foliage; leaflets central
leaflet as long as or longer than... Arisaema
132(1). |
- Tuber phyllotaxis quincuncial ... 133
- Tuber
phyllotaxis spirodistichous... 136
133(132). | - Plant penducle shorter than ... 134
- Plant penducle nearly the size
of... Arisaema tortuosum
- Plant penducle longer than... 135
134(133). | - Shoot leaf pedate ... Arisaema sahyadricum
- Shoot leaf radiate... Arisaema
135(133). | - Shoot size of the petiole or longer; shoot more than 1 leave;
shoot leaf pedate; inflorescence appendage glabrous ... Arisaema
- Shoot inconspicuous to much shorter than petiole; shoot 1 leaf at most;
shoot leaf radiate; inflorescence appendage bears neuters or
bristles... Arisaema murrayi
136(132). | - Inflorescence limb slightly broader than tube ... 137
- Inflorescence limb expanded, sometimes with
conspicuous flaps... 140
137(136). | - Inflorescence limb fornicate or galeate ... 138
- Inflorescence limb not fornicate or
galeate... 139
138(137). | - Inflorescence appendage extremity is even ... Arisaema
- Inflorescence appendage extremity is knobbly/dentate... Arisaema
139(137). | - Shoot size of the petiole or longer; leaflets not terminated;
leaflets central leaflet petiolulate; leaflets lateral leaflets all petiolulate
... Arisaema barnesii
- Shoot inconspicuous to much shorter than petiole; leaflets terminated;
leaflets central leaflet (sub)sessile; leaflets lateral leaflets sometimes
(sub)sessile... Arisaema tuberculatum
140(136). | - Shoot size of the petiole or longer; inflorescence limb not
fornicate or galeate ... 141
- Shoot
inconspicuous to much shorter than petiole; inflorescence limb fornicate or
galeate... 142
141(140). | - Inflorescence limb ends in filiform head; inflorescence spadix
included in or slightly exserted from tube; inflorescence appendage extremity
is even ... Arisaema leschenaultii
- Inflorescence limb does not end in filiform head; inflorescence spadix
protruding but not exceeding spathe; inflorescence appendage extremity is
knobbly/dentate... Arisaema nilamburense
142(140). | - Inflorescence tube mouth-margins straight or slightly
recurved; inflorescence appendage extremity is even; inflorescence appendage
subulate ... Arisaema sarracenioides
- Inflorescence tube mouth-margins widely recurved or auriculate;
inflorescence appendage extremity is knobbly/dentate; inflorescence appendage
apically clavate or cylindric... Arisaema
Cite this publication as: Guy & Liliane Gusman, Eric Gouda, Pim Bongaerts & Joost van Gijn (2005). Key to Arisaema
species of the world [available from https://arisaema-l.nl].
Last modified:
October 2005 by E.J.Gouda