Plant Pictures Travel

< Travel for Bromeliads to Ecuador 2015

Photogaper:Eric Gouda
Description:Bromeliad Photo Safari by José Manzanares, Jerry Raack and Eric Gouda (photographer) to the south of Ecuador
Day 5: 16-06-2015 — Azuay, Rd 35 Cuenca - Loja, S of Cumbe and (172 photos)
148. Tillandsia spec. nov. & tectorum

149. Tillandsia spec. nov. & tectorum

150. Tillandsia tectorum

151. Tillandsia tectorum

152. Tillandsia tectorum

153. Tillandsia spec. nov. & tectorum

154. Tillandsia spec. nov.

155. Oncidium (Orchidaceae)

156. Tillandsia tectorum

157. Tillandsia tectorum

158. Tillandsia tectorum

159. Tillandsia spec. nov.

160. Tillandsia tectorum

161. Tillandsia tectorum

162. Pilea spec. (Urticaceae)

163. Tillandsia tectorum

164. Tillandsia tectorum

165. Tillandsia tectorum

166. Tillandsia tectorum

167. Tillandsia lymanii

168. Tillandsia tectorum

169. Tillandsia tectorum

170. Tillandsia tectorum

171. Tillandsia tectorum

172. Tillandsia lymanii

<< <Row 41 to 50 > >>  

Updated by Eric Gouda, 11-03-2022 17:46
Access from January 2022: