11184 - Bromeliads (Garden) - 2013-10-31
(Dimension: 2238 x 1524 pixels - Counter: 12828)
Aechmea Whyanbeel

Locality: Brazil/Australia -
Photographer: Peter Tristram
Identification: asked
(Click on the picture to enlarge)
- Note (11181): Paul Turvey (2013-10-31) - I did a detailed, line-by-line analysis of one of these against Leme's description of Hoh. aechmeoides a while back. It's in .pdf format and consists of comparison tables with supporting images. If anyone is interested in adding it to Pete's beaut pics here, please let me know and I'll email it, unless there is some way to post it here? Overall conclusion was near-identical to Leme's Hoh. aechmeoides right down to details of flower structure and petal appendages, with differences being paler flower colour and somewhat more robust leaves and inflorescence. Inflorescence looks similar to some other plants identified as Ae. floribunda, but the Hohenbergia-like inflorescences of these plants appear very different in most aspects of structure and arrangement to the type specimen for Ae. floribunda viewable on-line and as described in Smith & Downs. I hope this helps with an identification. I'm keen to get one too! (Sent: brom-l@science.uu.nl)