5454 - Bromeliads () - 2010-01-26
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Aechmea ramosa x penduliflora?

Photographer: Richard Martin
Identification: solved
(Click on the picture to enlarge)
- Note (1824): Eric Gouda (2007-05-15) - I think it could be Aechmea ramosa, could you add a detail picture of the flower at anthesis?
- Note (1824): Richard Martin (2007-05-15) - Thank you Eric, After looking at pictures of specimens of Aechmea ramosa, I do not think it is. I failed to take a picture of the maturing berries, but they slowly turned pale blue to deep translucent blue. Small flowers are pale yellow on emerging. Your feedback appreciated.
Rick Martin - Note (1824): Harry Luther (2007-05-16) - Looks like a hybrid. Aechmea ramosa x penduliflora?
- Note (1824): Richard Martin (2007-05-16) - Harry thanks, yes after carefull consideration Aechmea ramosa x penduliflora does in fact appear to fit the plant, it is a slow grower, leaves don't seem to darken in stronger light conditions with my plants.
I'm pretty sure we can then take it as being Aechmea ramosa x penduliflora. Thank you all.
- Note (1824): Geoff Lawn (2007-05-17) - Rick, Unless your cultivar is completely new (bred in Madeira---unlikely?),the conclusion of Ae. ramosa x penduliflora is probably wrong because this parentage is not listed in the online BSI Bromeliad Cultivar Registry. The reverse cross of penduliflora (seed parent) x ramosa (pollen parent) = 'Valencia' but it's colouring does not match your specimen. The closest match I see is Ae. 'Shining Light'(fulgens x ramosa) because of the plain green leaves and whitish berries tipped pink, which turn dark blue when ripe. The only differences are that the linked fcbs.org/ photo specimens show more inflorescence branching, but extra feeding can produce this result. Also, the petals are pale whitish blue, not the pale yellow you quote for yours. If yours came direct from an overseas nursery maybe they can help.
Geoff Lawn. - Note (1824): Richard Martin (2008-02-26) - Has now been registered as "Madeira Sunrise" fcbs record #6203