9172 - Bromeliads (Wild) - 2011-10-13 (Dimension: 4318 x 2898 pixels - Counter: 14756) Guzmania altsonii (Uploaded as: Guzmania ) Locality: Ecuador - Prov. Zamora-Chinchipe; close to Zamora; entrance of Podocarpus NP ""Bombuscaro"", tall premontane moist forest Photographer: Florian Werner Note: Col.: Werner, F.A. 3118 (08-04-2011) infl. ca. 1.5 m long, straight, erect or inclided due to weight, with flowers along terminal 1/2-2/3. Largest (widest) local tank bromeliad. Aff. G. killipiana. Identification: solved (Click on the picture to enlarge)