219 - Bromeliads (Garden) - 2007-10-01 (Dimension: 510 x 690 pixels - Counter: 13669) Pitcairnia Photographer: Derek Butcher Note: Derek Hi, I think I asked you once before if you identify this Pitcairnia and you referred me to your file on Pitcairnia, but I am wondering if there is a quick way to identify it. The foliage which is typical of Pitcairnias is very long and narrow strap like about 10 to 15mm wide, the flower spike is also very long about 600 to 700mm long. The flowers are a bright orange and trumpet like but like many Pitcairnias the petals are sort of elongated, the bottom ones are shorter than the top ones. I have had this plant for years and I have no doubt it would have come from Muriel Waterman, but I have never known what its name was, perhaps you have some Pitcairnia growers over there who could identify it for us. Best regards. Gerry. Identification: pending (Click on the picture to enlarge)