11386 - Bromeliads (Wild) - 2014-03-23
(Dimension: 990 x 770 pixels - Counter: 8006)
Locality: Ecuador - Enokank - Ecuador
Photographer: Juan José Amador
Identification: asked
(Click on the picture to enlarge)
- Identification (11385): Matthias Asmuss (2014-03-23) =Achmea tillandsioides
(Sent: brom-l@science.uu.nl)
- Note (11385): carol (2014-03-23) - Ae. pubscens???
- Note (11385): Eric Gouda (2014-03-24) - It seems to have many characteristics of Achmea tillandsioides, what is the size (length of infl. incl peduncle) of it? (Sent: brom-l@science.uu.nl)