6025 - Bromeliads (Wild) - 2010-09-22
(Dimension: 2030 x 1389 pixels - Counter: 15057)
Tillandsia cf. sodiroi
(Uploaded as: Tillandsia )
Locality: Peru - Cajamarca - Yumagual
Photographer: Steffen Janke
Identification: solved
(Click on the picture to enlarge)
- Identification (6023): pam (2012-09-22) =Tillandsia stenoura
- I collected this same plant in 1988 with Prof. Rauh. He had said it was T. stenoura, which is the name that I have on it. I have photos that look exactly the same as yours. - Note (6027): Eric Gouda (2012-09-24) - don't think it is T.stenoura, which has a elongated inflorescence with long tapering spikes (Sent: brom-l@science.uu.nl)
- Identification (6027): Walter Till (2012-09-24) =Tillandsia cf. sodiroi