9903 - Bromeliads (Garden) - 2012-07-01
(Dimension: 830 x 650 pixels - Counter: 21991)
Vriesea x 'Komet'
(Uploaded as: Vriesea sp)
Photographer: Matthias Asmuss
Note: seems to have similarity with Vriesea correia-araujoi but I miss the foliage-like bracts of the stem (VR 40)
Identification: solved
(Click on the picture to enlarge)
- Identification: Matthias Asmuss (2012-07-31) =Vriesea 'Gwydonia' or Vriesea 'Mon Petit'
- seems to be related to Vriesea flammea, but for flammea the leaves are not dark and spotted enough; in the BCR the picture of 'Mon Petit' does not show the leaves; who can identify or upload additional pics to confirm ? (Sent: brom-l@science.uu.nl)
- Identification: Richard Martin (2012-07-31) =Vriesea "Astrid"
- Seems to be the commercialized hybirid of V. correia araujoi V. "Asrrid" My specinens leaves are more recurved. (Sent: brom-l@science.uu.nl)
- Note: Eric Gouda (2012-07-31) - V. 'Astrid' is a fully red bracted hybrid by Deroose, and you have an other hybrid on the market now, which is red with yellow bracted. Both cultivars has more narrow ellipsoid spikes and are sold by Ikea. This one is probably a different hybrid of V.coreia-araujoi
- Note: Uncle Derek (2012-08-01) - We do not know the 'official' parents of Astrid. We are clearly in the hybrids made from what the Brazilians call the corcovadensis group which brings to mind the many forms of 'Komet' that were around 20 years ago. I think it should be called Vriesea hybrid. Trying to link to a registered hybrid name is fraught with danger unless its provenance can be traced back to a particulsar nursery (Sent: brom-l@science.uu.nl)
- Identification: Gruber (2012-08-12) =Vriesea x 'Komet'
- Hybrid from Heinz Pnkert (Babenhausen)
several decads agoe. I think also with corcovadensis. From Pnkert to Deroose (Sent: brom-l@science.uu.nl) - Note: Matthias Asmuss (2012-08-13) - Vriesea 'Komet' seems to me the best match despite some doubts about the many forms of 'Komet'; my Vr corcovadensis is flowering at the same time now and the flowers are similar: it is definitely not from IKEA, nor can it be traced back to a specific nursery; thanks to Derek, Franz, Rick and Eric (Sent: brom-l@science.uu.nl)
- Note: Wesley Schilling (2012-08-13) - I have a Vr. in this stage of inflorescence that has a tag of corcovadensis on it and definitely not that specie. It looks like the one in this Brom-L picture but no flowers showing yet. Mine has base foliage color that is a lavender purple on the inside and showing on the outside, going up approximately 2 inches all around the base of the plant. It sure has a lot of similarities to the Brom-L picture posted here. I am wondering if what I have is Vr. 'Komet' ? Will post a picture when the inflorescence is more extended and flowers open.