6678 - Bromeliads (Garden) - 2011-07-09
(Dimension: 730 x 533 pixels - Counter: 13118)
Puya coerulea
Locality: Chile - Roaringwater Bay, SW Ireland
Photographer: Michael Prime
Note: Inflorescence of the second plant (Sent: brom-l@science.uu.nl)
Identification: pending
(Click on the picture to enlarge)
- Identification (6675): Michael Prime (2012-10-31) =Puya coerulea var. coerulea
- These are Puya coerulea v. coerulea
Thanks to Derek Butcher for the key.
I don\'t know how to edit the title. (Sent: brom-l@science.uu.nl) - Note (6675): Eric Gouda (2012-10-31) - To change the title you need me, but I do not think this is P.coerulea at all. For example: Primary bracts like the upper scape-bracts, many times shorter than the branches; Floral bracts from ovate and exceeding the pedicels to lanceolate and much shorter; both not fitting here (Sent: brom-l@science.uu.nl)
- Note (6675): Dutch Vandervort (2012-10-31) - 30 years ago I grew what I thought was Puya coerulea v. coerulea. It was dainty compared to the plant shown here. Both leaves and inflorescence were finer. The floral scape was about the diameter of a pencil and the petals were such a dark blue that they appeared black. But then in 1980 or so what did Californians know about Puyas?