1954 - Bromeliads (Garden) - 2008-07-02
(Dimensie: 1269 x 879 pixels - Teller: 12636)
Hohhenbergia corr-ar. x Aechmea chantini

(Geladen als: unknown brom)
Fotograaf: Malcolm McCorquodale
Opmerking: The plant is about 2 feet tall, greenish leaves with spines, the scape is red, the floral bracts are a very pale green/grey. The inflorescence extends about a foot beyond the tip of the left-most leaf.
Determinatie: Opgelost
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- Opmerking (1955): Eric Gouda (2008-07-02) - Malcom, interesting plant! Looks like Hohenbergia correia-araujoi from the first view. If you have a detail of the flower (spike), please load it in the gallery and I will put it in this identification case.
- Opmerking (1955): Harry Luther (2008-07-03) - Foliage color and conformation is unlike H. c-a leading me to believe there is an Aechmea in the woodshed.
- Opmerking (1955): Carlos Becker Amaral (2008-07-05) - Hohenbergia correia-araujoi
- Opmerking (1955): Peter Tristram (2008-07-07) - Dead ringer for that woodshed Ae to be chantinii, ie H corr-ar/A chant x.
Got it off Chester in the 90's. - Opmerking (1955): Derek Butcher (2008-07-07) - When in doubt check the data bases on http://fcbs.org. It is fun and sometimes you can come up with a name.To think all this sort of worry would be greatly reduced if hybridists registered their hybrids before releasing them to all and sundry. Try xHohenmea 'Betsy McCrory'
- Opmerking (1955): Malcolm McCorquodale (2008-07-16) - I took the plant to the Houston Bromeliad Society meeting tonight. (I think this is where I got the pup 2 or three years ago from Don Brotherton.) After Show-and-Tell, Gene Powers suggested it was Hornbergia correia-araujoi x pennae. Gene got his plant from Don Garrison in January of 2000.
- Opmerking (1955): Derek Butcher (2008-07-16) - I can only repeat what I said on 7/7. If you do a hybrid and not register it, it is an unknown
- Opmerking (1955): Malcolm McCorquodale (2008-07-20) - In my post of July 16, Hornbergia should be spelled Hohenbergia. Thanks to Charles for pointing this out.
- Opmerking (1955): Harry Luther (2008-07-21) - I believe both H. pennae and correia-araujoi have purple-lavender-rosey petals; kind of hard to get blue from this cross. Im sure its a yellow-flowered Aechmea crossed with H. c-a
- Opmerking (1955): Eric J. Gouda (2008-07-21) - It does look somewhat like A.x lanjauwii, a crossing with A.aquilega. Maybe this A.aquilega is one of the parents?!